Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Feeling the way i should feel

Right now....
I seriously have realized so much in one summer. I truly am extremely happy with the way my life is right at this moment. Mariah and I had a HUGE conversation about relationship stuff on the way home tonight from brits aunts house. We really have deep conversations about the most random things. I think the one thing that made me think about my life was a special little text from a special someone that had a few a couple nights ago. It read, "I love my life, don't you love yours?" I of course laughed at first, but then quickly realized that it wasn't that funny. It was such a deep question. I really thought about that for the longest time. Now that I have thought it through, I realize that my life is going on a great path right now. My schooling is going the exact path I wanted it to go down, I love my family and being with them, I have a flippin job, which I am greatful for, and I'm happily single for the I'm just waiting for right one to come knocking on my door one of these days. I just don't want to mess up with getting into another bad relationship again. I am changing my ways....and is taking it all slow....the way it should be done. Getting to know the guy before you get into any relationship mumbo gumbo...

Tomorrow is going to be a FULL day of work at the farm. We start chopping early because of the rainy day we had and the rainy days to come...:( But I don't mind if I'm on a john deere the whole day. I would rather drive a tractor, then a handful of other things.
I also have a ton of things I would like to get done, calling for certain appt like my tattoo checkup to see if it needs any touchups, spending time with my bro and sis before school, and my mom/daughter time together. I also still need to pack up all my EC things. Even though I'm only staying for a semester.....I still have tons of things to bring.

I seriously can't believe that my Stats professor is already sending out emails....yuck not looking forward to homework and tests....but excited to see my friends and have a good time!!!


Wednesday, August 19, 2009

yeah yeah yeah

so anywho...
im just so happy/sad/baffled/determined.....with my life right now. Seriously, I really am just straight out boggled. My life these days has been a complete 360 from the past 4 yrs of my life. I really am enjoying my life a whole lot more now then before. I appreciate more things in life, and finally get to worry about myself and myself only for once. the one thing that is for sure a positive in my life right now is that im meeting SO many new ppl. I truely enjoy that.

today: Worked at the farm about the whole day. Got done and as i was driving up my driveway....something hits my right side of my car hard. i thought that is was a rabbit, but it was my dog copper. I was so scared that he for sure was a goner....but he shook it off like it was no big deal. haha and i had no dents on my car!! so I was so happy!

My mom, sis and I went to mtown to get something to eat and to get groceries. We needed them badly. As we were coming home....a raccoon came running out and we hit it. I'm pretty sure that it was a goner. I was pretty sad about it. but my night turned alot better after my lovely conversation with a person I really wanted to talk to. HAHA well lets just say that I got the butterflies in my stomach from it. :) But i cant get too happy just in case nothing works out. so keep the fingers crossed and knock on wood!

Mariah, Evan, and I watched I Love You Man.....boy that sure was funny!!!! i sure liked it!!! til another night! gnite!


Wednesday, August 12, 2009

been busy

well for starters...
im too tired to capitalize my words and do correct punctuationss...but anywho. i have been very busy with life....keeping up with friends, work, school stuff for nursing, and many other crazy things that go on in my life. these days i really dont like goin on fb....because once ur on ur on for good....and its a complete waste of time most of the time. I have sooooooo many things that i could do for the weekend....there are way too many plans for me to figure out which one i do or not. i should just make a list of thinks that i would like to do for fun and the things that i need to do for like chores and such. i already heard that we will be mowing tomorrow and that there is a possiblilty that we might as a family go to lake wazee which is where i was today. I know for next time that i will have to bring some goggles and some more scuba gear. boy that water can look pretty eerie when all murky..... i would say more but im falling asleep!!!